Tuesday, 27 November 2012


                                                        DUMPSITE OF THE WEST.
                                                         The “Home Use” phenomenon.

A friend of mine in Australia called me a week ago and in the course of our conversation, told me about the Government replacing their old traditional hatchback televisions with new LCD flat screen televisions. According to him, the new televisions are Eco friendly because they emit less radiation and consume less power thus saving energy. “So what happens to your old televisions” I asked. “They’ll be sent to Africa I guess”, he answered with laughter.
Even though my friend was joking, he was not far from the truth. Everyday hundreds of used electrical appliances arrive in large containers at our various ports. Yes, Africa has become a dumping ground for the west.  Old household items and appliances which are deemed as damaged or unfit for the environment are sent to Africa. Most of these electrical items do not meet the new Eco standard. They consume lots of energy and thus bad for the environment but ironically we embrace them here out of ignorance. In Ghana, it is not uncommon to see large crowds gathered around “home use” goods as we call it.
The reason why most Ghanaians patronize these “home used” goods is because they are often seen as quality and original. This is because they are coming directly from America or Europe, and not from China, that has a reputation for inferior goods.
Another reason why used goods are popular is because they are relatively cheaper to brand new ones. This gives the normal person an opportunity to own original brands at a less cost. Used goods also give the everyday Ghanaian an opportunity to own appliances which under normal circumstances they won’t be interested in owning, such as microwaves, toasters, vacuums cleaners and the likes.
In spite of the advantages these “home use” goods have, there are consequences. One is the impact on our environment. Most of these goods are usually old and thus do not meet the new Eco standard. This means they are not environmentally friendly. They use more energy and emit more radiation which in the long run contributes to global warming.
They are also some health risks involved. This is because used household items such as mattresses, bed sheets and furniture might harbor viruses and harmful bacteria that can cause diseases such as hepatitis B and the likes.
The Government of Ghana and other organizations in charge such as the Ghana Standards Board, Ports and Harbors Authority, Energy commission should put measures in place to ensure that Ghana does not continue to become the dumping ground for West.

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